The simplest approach would be to set a Marker/Priors. Well, the only documentation is when we show parameter description:
Param: Marker/Priors = "" [World prior locations of the markers.
The map will be transformed in marker's
world frame when a tag is detected. Format
is the marker's ID followed by its position
(angles in rad), markers are separated by
vertical line ("id1 x y z roll pitch yaw|id2 x y z roll pitch yaw").
Example: "1 0 0 1 0 0 0|2 1 0 1 0 0 1.57" (marker 2 is
1 meter forward than marker 1 with 90 deg yaw rotation).]
You can set a prior only for one marker. For example, if your have marker 7 at x=3, y=2, you may set it like this: "7 3 2 0 0 0 0". You can map first without priors to see how rtabmap estimates the tag's rotation to set correctly the pitch. In graph view, mouse over the marker circle and look at the rotation, then use that for the prior. When exporting the cloud afterwards, the points should be automatically transformed in origin of that marker.