I have a robot running rtabmap as its only mapping software.
(I'm using a zed and have not found something that works better.)
My plan is to map the area I am going to be running the robot in,
then run the robot so it just uses that map to localize.
So in mapping mode I can map a small area then ctrl-c out of ros and the database saves where I want it to.
If I make a large map then ctrl-c rtabmap starts saving the database, but ros will escalate to sigterm and sigkill after a while of waiting, killing rtabmap before it finishes.
I tried piping the output of service get_map to a file in the hopes that it was a way to trigger rtabmap to dump the database. I'm not sure what get_map gives me but its not a db file.
I'm not sure if i'm just missing a way to dump the database or if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
Sorry about the noob question.
Thanks for any help.