How to improve odom hz

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How to improve odom hz

what is the way to improve odom hz? Decrease the features extracted for frame?

Is it possible to get over 15 hz?
Thank you
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Re: How to improve odom hz

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We can by using more powerful hardware, or by tuning down parameters at the
cost of having less accurate odometry. About features, you can try with
smaller "Vis/MaxFeatures" (default 1000). It depends also on the image
resolution, if you are using 1080p images, it is likely to be slower. Try
with 480p resolution.

You can also swith to Frame-To-Frame odometry with Odom/Strategy=1, and
using optical flow for feature tracking: Vis/CorType=1. This approach
corresponds to F2F in of this paper
(see tables 3, 6 and 7 for average time), while the default one is F2M.
