How to increase odometry publishing rate

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How to increase odometry publishing rate

I am using kinect2 camera and rtabmap_ros package for visual odometry. I want to increase the rate of Odometry topic please can you suggest me how i can increase it . My requirement is I should get /odom data at every 0.100 -0.200 miliseconds but now i am getting it at more than 0.300 miliseconds.

I referred this link  where it shows how manually i can change the rate of odometry , but when i tried this , I am unable to do it . Because the Source type under  Preferences dialog is disabled for me . Can you suggest how can I enable it .

I want to Change it both the way using the Source type as well as using any parameter in my launch file ?

This is my launch file. localization.launch
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Re: How to increase odometry publishing rate


The launch file link seems dead. Note that there is no explicit parameter to set odometry frame rate, the odometry node will process as fast as it can the input images. So if your camera driver publishes images at 30 Hz and you have just ~3Hz odometry rate, the bottleneck is the CPU power. There is however some parameters that we can modify: decreasing image size, choice of feature parameters, odometry strategy Frame-To-Map vs Frame-To-Frame (faster), feature matching vs optical flow (faster)...

Do this for more info:
$ rosrun rtabmap_ros rgbd_odometry --params
