How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

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How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

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Hi, Matheu,

I have one L515 in front of robot as main source of data for RTAB-Map and when in stands perpendicular to a wall, it may teleport robot a few meters away to another similar wall in different room. Is there any built-in mechanism to limit localization distance? I've found Robust Graph Optimization and now plan to try it out when I'll have chance to install GTSAM, but for now, I thought maybe there some parameter I'm missing inside rtabmap that would limit localization distance?

From practice, I can say that localization on my map happens once in 1-5 secs and, considering relatively low robot movement speed, it won't move away more than 1-2 meters away between localization events.

Looking forward for you comments on this, thanks in advance
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?


it depends if it the jump is coming from relocalization or from odometry drift. Like you described, it seems an odometry drift. Which kind of odometry is used? Is it icp_odometry?

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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

Yes, I use wheel odometry (perfect in simulation, as I understand) as guess for icp_odometry node. I doubt that teleportation is caused by icp_odometry (can icp_odometry teleport robot several meters away?). It seems more like rtabmap finds a scene similar to the one seen by the camera in the database and teleports the robot there.
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

If /map -> /odom jumps, this is localization. If /odom_icp -> /odom jumps, it is icp_odometry. If /odom -> /base_link jumps, it is wheel odometry.

icp_odometry can drift a lot if there are not a lot of geometry constraints (e..g, lidar seeing only one line of points).
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

/map -> /odom_icp jumps in my case.

Btw, I use depth from L515 as input for icp_odometry, so I don't think ICP can shift point cloud of a wall to another wall few meters away while having quite accurate guess from previous frame.
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

In this case, can you provide a link to download that database?
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

Sure, there it is.

For instance, if I move close to one of these similar places (red arrows), rtabmap will accidentally localize to another one. Scenes in both places contain practically identical walls of low res wood texture. I would like to restrict rtabmap from localize more than 1-2 meters away from /icp_odom to prevent such teleportation behavior.
two similar places
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?

In reply to this post by matlabbe
Can we please get an answer to this question? There are tons of people wondering about this feature
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Re: How to limit teleportation distance in localization mode?


It seems the exact same texture can be seen on the wall at the different locations:

It is indeed the same problem than in this post:

Those graph checks are done by default in mapping mode, but for localization mode it was not handled before this year (actually I did an update on December 2021 to fix that problem). You can increase parameter "RGBD/MaxOdomCacheSize" (default 10). Here how it works:

On localization, rtabmap will use the past X odometry poses to check if the localization makes sense based on the previous localizations and the actual odometry computed. If no localizations happened since the last X updates, rtabmap will likely accept the teleportation (re-localization). However, if there was a previous localization inside the last X updates, the odometry path (up to X last poses) will be optimized using the past re-localization constraints. Based on "RGBD/OptimizeMaxError", if the odometry path is too much deformed (bad re-localization), localization will be rejected (which would be your case).

With RGBD/MaxOdomCacheSize set to 10 and Rtabmap/DetectionRate set to 1, it means it will only check the past 10 seconds. You could increase RGBD/MaxOdomCacheSize to 100/200 to reject a new re-localization if it doesn't deform too much the odometry constraints of the past 100/200 seconds.
