I can't connect to kinecto v2 in rtabmap

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I can't connect to kinecto v2 in rtabmap

Hi, I have a kinect v2. I've installed iai_kinect2, libfreenect2 and rtabmap_ros (from source) and rtabmap (from source).
If I run roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch publish_tf:=true  and roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch resolution:=qhd then I get it working.
But running RTABMAP can't connect to kinect v2. In fact, in the sensor menu I have no options enabled to select kinect v2 sensor.
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Re: I can't connect to kinecto v2 in rtabmap

When launching "roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch", you are already starting rtabmap.

When running "$ rtabmap", you are launching the standalone version (NO ROS). If kinect v2 is grayed out, it means that rtabmap is not built from source with libfreenect2. Make sure cmake can detect freeenect2 when building rtabmap, the cmake status should show WITH_FREENECT2=ON.

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Re: I can't connect to kinecto v2 in rtabmap

ok, I understand, thank!