I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t

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I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t

Dong Jin Yook
Hi, matlabbe

I have a question about running rtabmap on pioneer. I`m ready to use '2d_nav_goal'. I give the location command and  orientation command using a '2d_nav_goal' button. Although location command can move the pioneer to a new location, orientation command can not move the pioneer to a new angle.

pioneer pose(0,0,0) -> location command(1,0) - > robot can move
pioneer quaternion(0,0,0,0) - > orientation command(0, 0, 0.7071, 0.7071) - > robot can not move

Have you any idea of what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t


Are you using RVIZ button to send goals? Otherwise, make sure your quaternion is normalized. You can see on the terminal if move_base complains about this. Do you send goals to /move_base_simple/goal or /rtabmap/goal? rtabmap (with "/rtabmap/goal") ignores orientation to test if you reached the goal, so it will just ignore it if your position is already at the goal's position. move_base (with "/move_base_simple/goal") uses "xy_goal_tolerance" and "yaw_goal_tolerance" to determine if it reached the goal.

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Re: I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t

Dong Jin Yook
Thank you for the answer!

I currently use '/move_base_simple/goal '.
I think using RVIZ button to send goals reach desired goal and see desired direction. But still, pioneer can`t see desired direction.

What do you think of that?

and  I have a question about RVIZ button.

can i use RVIZ button to send goals without map?

I`ll be looking forward to your reply!

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Re: I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t


There is maybe something with the odometry, simlar to this post: http://answers.ros.org/question/195300/xy_goal_tolerance-the-robot-reaches-the-goal-but-doesnt-trigger/

Or parameter namespace problem (for this one you can launch rqt_reconfigure_gui to make sure your Trajectory planner has the right parameters you set in config): http://answers.ros.org/question/47738/yaw_goal_tolerance-not-working/

Maybe related to min_vel_theta or min_in_place_vel_theta parameter (if too small, the robot just doesn't rotate on place): http://answers.ros.org/question/208693/wrong-robot-orientation-at-the-goal/

Yes, RVIZ can send goal without a map. You can do this to see it:
$ rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal
However, move_base may reject it if it has no map.

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Re: I don`t understand why '2d_nav_goal(orientation)' shouldn`t

Dong Jin Yook

I`m solved the problem.
we related to min_in_place_vel_theta parameter. You`re right about if too small, the robot doesn`t rotate on place:  http://answers.ros.org/question/208693/wrong-robot-orientation-at-the-goal/

so I changed min_in_place_vel_theta: 0.4 to min_in_place_vel_theta: 1

Thank you for the answer!
