If robot rotates, map rotates too

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If robot rotates, map rotates too

i've a problem with the map. When the robot rotates along his z-axis (is a wheeled mobile robot moving on the x-y plane), the map in rviz (both 2d and 3d) rotates together with the robot. It is a quite (for me) strange behavior because i expect the map is fixed (since /map frame is too) compared to the mobile robot. The system manifests this behavior only when robot rotates while map "does not move" (correctly remains fixed) when the robot only translates on the plane. Have you got some ideas for me, maybe i've to set opportunely some RTAB-Map parameter?
Thank you for your time
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Re: If robot rotates, map rotates too

Do you mean in RVIZ? Make sure to set fixed_frame in global options to /map. If you set it to /base_link, the world will rotate around the robot.

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R: Re: If robot rotates, map rotates too

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Yes, fixed frame was  yet set to /map. The problem still remains.  Tank you for your help, if you have any other idea make me know. Bye 
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Re: R: Re: If robot rotates, map rotates too


Can you send two screenshots, before and after a rotation?