Import .oni files to RTAB-Map

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Import .oni files to RTAB-Map

Hello, i am have some data in openni format  (.oni). How i can import them in RTAB-Map or convert them in .db or .bag for ROS.
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Re: Import .oni files to RTAB-Map


I've updated the code for openni-pcl and openni2 drivers to read from *.oni files. With the latest changes, you can set the file path in "device ID" box (under the Source/RGBD Camera tab in Preferences Dialog). The file must ends with ".oni". Also, if you recorded from OpenNI2, you should choose OpenNI2 driver to read the *.oni. For files recorded with OpenNI, you should use OpenNI. It seems that the oni files are not compatible between the OpenNI versions.

To convert *.oni files to *.db files, it can be done creating a data recorder in the GUI or using the console app:
$ rtabmap-dataRecorder -driver 0 -device input.oni output.db
$ rtabmap-dataRecorder -driver 1 -device input.oni output.db
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Re: Import .oni files to RTAB-Map

All working!!!
Thank you.