Installation Issues - Mac Mavericks OSX 10.9

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Installation Issues - Mac Mavericks OSX 10.9


I've got the problem that I'm unable to run RTAB-MAP with the Kinect for XBOX on my Mac.
After fixing a bug the software starts, but when I'd like to map something, I got an error that the camera can not be initialized.
I install all drivers multiple time, and also in the right order but nothing works…
Any suggestions?! thanks
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Re: Installation Issues - Mac Mavericks OSX 10.9

Are you using the binaries or build RTAB-Map from source? On my mac, I usually use Freenect driver for the Kinect for XBOX 360 (model 1414).

Try if freenect apps can open the camera:
$ freenect-glview
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Re: Installation Issues - Mac Mavericks OSX 10.9

I tried both binary version 0.8.3 & 0.8.5 with the same result.
After trying your suggestion (I was unable to see any window! "freenect" was an unknown command)

So I reinstall the freenect driver (

Now it works charming!