Is it possible to get rgb from camera and depth from the lidar for loop closure detection?!

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Is it possible to get rgb from camera and depth from the lidar for loop closure detection?!

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1) my first question: is it possible to update the map while I have only 3d lidar as the main sensor and activating ICP? which parameter?
because I want the vehicle to go from base station to the specified locatiion and then comeback to the base. so I specify two location as goal, it can reach the first one, but it fails for the second one, because the map is not updating and it can not specify that it is not a new location.

2) if i have to use camera as weel to be able to have loop closure, am i able to use just an RGB camera (Axis model) and take the depth from 3d lidar??
If yes, which setting should i consider?

kind regards
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Re: Is it possible to get rgb from camera and depth from the lidar for loop closure detection?!

hi ,

I checked the launch file here:

11) 3DoF mapping with 3D LiDAR and RGB camera (depth generated by lidar projection) and ICP odometry (with wheel odometry as guess)
            $ roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_husky.launch lidar3d:=true slam2d:=true camera:=true icp_odometry:=true depth_from_lidar:=true rtabmapviz:=true

in the top line you mentioned that we are able to use depth from lidar and rgb from camera. and you also mentioned that camera should be activated. so after activating should I inactive the followinf lines? YES?

    <arg name="depth"             value="$(eval camera and not depth_from_lidar)" />
    <arg name="subscribe_rgb"     value="$(eval camera)" />
    <arg name="rgbd_sync"         value="$(eval camera and not depth_from_lidar)" />
    <arg name="rgb_topic"         value="/realsense/color/image_raw" />
    <arg name="camera_info_topic" value="/realsense/color/camera_info" />
    <arg name="depth_topic"       value="/realsense/depth/image_rect_raw" />
    <arg name="approx_rgbd_sync"  value="false" />

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Re: Is it possible to get rgb from camera and depth from the lidar for loop closure detection?!


If you are testing the demo, please send the command line used to start the simulator and demo_husky.launch. It will be easier to reproduce the problem here.