Is there a windows version with AliceVision?

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Is there a windows version with AliceVision?

Hi everyone.

In 2017 I made some scans of an old house before being reformed with an Asus ZenFone AR. The quality is not the best but after seeing the upgraded version of the Ski Cottage model with AliceVision's multi-band blending approach I had hopes to do the same with my scans in .db format.

I don't have that phone anymore so I installed RTabMap on my PC (nVidia GPU) to speed up the process using the CUDA version. Unfortunately the windows binaries don't come with Alicevision. I know there's docker but as far as I know there's only support for ubuntu.

Is it possible to get a windows version with AliceVision?
If I have to use ubuntu, should I go for the latest supported one (eoan)?

Thanks in advanced.
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Re: Is there a windows version with AliceVision?


I think you should be able to use docker on Windows. I am pretty sure that example should also work on Windows:
# Export texture mesh (bionic image to have AliceVision support, not needed if --multiband is not used)
$ docker run -it --rm -v ~/Downloads/MultiSessionTango:/MultiSessionTango \
   --workdir /MultiSessionTango --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
   introlab3it/rtabmap:bionic \
   rtabmap-export \
      --texture \
      --texture_size 4096 \
      --texture_range 3 \
      --poisson_depth 9 \
      --max_polygons 500000 \
      --multiband \
      --color_radius 0 \
      --no_clean \
The remaping of the host directory may be different. I didn't try yet to build AliceVision on Windows, this is why the dependency is not in the release.