Jittery visual odometry and frequent localization failure

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Jittery visual odometry and frequent localization failure

Hi matlabbe,
I'm trying to run rtabmap on a self built stereo camera.
Camera specs
8 Megapixels
Sensor: Sony IMX219
Resolution: 3280 × 2464
Aperture (F): 2.35
Focal Length: 3.15mm
Angle of View (diagonal): 160 degree
Distortion: <14.3%

I'm using a resolution of 640x360 and attached is the db file for your reference.
I have been trying to run the stereo mapping launch file on the stereo images and the attached db file is formed. Tried to run the code with both visual odom as true and false.
The problem when the visual odom is true is the jittery behaviour of the visual odom on the basis of where exactly the nodes are formed in the 3d map

And in the localization mode, again I see the same performance but with more jitterness and often loss of localization due to which navigation cannot happen.  

I tried several params but in vain.  I wish to know your views on what can be done to improve things

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Re: Jittery visual odometry and frequent localization failure

One thing to check, can this camera module be hardware synchronized to another one?