Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

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Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

Hi Mathieu,

I've recently been given an Azure Kinect for setup testing and whilst the outputs are a class above everything else so far, I'm having a problem whilst using it with Rtab standalone. Not long after it starts up it and begins building a map it stops with 'The camera has reached the end of the stream', is this a known problem or am i overlooking something?

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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

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Although testing the setup as in your 'Kinect-For-Azure-L515-ICP-lighting-invariant-mapping-td7187' post there seem to be no problems and i must say the pointcloud is stunning!
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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone


Not sure why there is a difference between both approaches, unless the usage of the RGB camera is causing a problem. If you use the IR image in the first default configuration, is it okay?
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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

Hi Mathieu,

Thanks for your reply. Testing it in default config with IR does indeed allow the stream to continue although at the cost of RGB. When tested with your .ini file without IR the 'end of stream' error occurs again. It does seem as though there is a problem with RGB.

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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

How much time is required to see the end of stream with RGB camera? Maybe I didn't try it long enough.
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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

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This can vary but normally within 5 secs. I'll try to make a video to to show you. Although the terminal seems to continue without error so I'm a little stumped or unable to offer better information.

The only other thing I can think of being a problem is that I'm now using ubuntu 20. and ros noetic having installed the k4a 1.4 manually as per the last comment on

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Re: Kinect Azure in Rtab Standalone

In reply to this post by matlabbe
I think I've found the root of the problem just for future reference. When using the K4Aviewer i needed to reduce frame rate to 15p/s and this stopped the crashes. Applying this to Rtab settings seems to have resolved the 'end of stream' issue when mapping in RGB.
