Kinect V2 in outdoor environment

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Kinect V2 in outdoor environment

Hi dear
is there any way to use only RGB data of a Kinect to get slam or visual odometry in an outdoor environment?
actually I want to use the Kinect v2 in the outdoor environment but due to limitation of the depth data of Kinect v2 in the outdoor environment I prefer to ignore the depth data and only use RGB data in outdoor . or do you have any suggestion for me , how to use Kinect v 2 in an outdoor environment?
Thank you in advance
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Re: Kinect V2 in outdoor environment


Outdoor I would prefer a stereo camera with RTAB-Map. What you are trying to do (using only single RGB camera) is MonoSLAM, which is not supported in RTAB-Map. ORB_SLAM or LSD_SLAM are popular monocular approaches that can be used with a single camera, you may give a try.
