L515/D435i settings reset after pressing stop button

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L515/D435i settings reset after pressing stop button

Thanks for the very great software.

I have one minorly annoying bug to report: It seems after pressing the end recording button in Rtab, the settings selected in IntelRealSense viewer are defaulted. It seems that after pressing the button the cameras are each time disconnected briefly from USB and lead to this defaulting. With both cameras this issue occurs every time the stop is pressed and I have to reload the viewer settings for laser power, gain etc.. Can it be fixed?
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Re: L515/D435i settings reset after pressing stop button


We do a hard reset because on some systems the camera won't restart or freeze (see here). Are you on Windows?

So you are modifying the camera parameters in RealSense Viewer while using rtabmap? I didn't try this before. There is a possibility to load presets in rtabmap Preferences->Source->Realsense2 panel though.
