Loop closure always rejected

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Loop closure always rejected

Hi Mathieu,

I'm not sure why I always get the following image in RtabmapViz:

I use the following params:
Optimizer/GravitySigma = "0"
RGBD/OptimizeMaxError = "3.0"
GTSAM with GaussNewton

Thanks,  Yoni
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Re: Loop closure always rejected

Can you show the warnings in the terminal?
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Re: Loop closure always rejected

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Re: Loop closure always rejected


Can you please elaborate about the colors and notations in the picture above?
- In the left lower part of the figure, what does it mean a yellow/red/green color? what does it mean -1  in: Local match = 19 [-1] ?
- In the left upper part, what does it mean the cyan color?

Thank you
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Re: Loop closure always rejected

Can you please elaborate about the colors and notations in the fugure above?
- In the left lower part of the figure, what does it mean a yellow/red/green color? what does it mean -1  in: Local match = 19 [-1] ?
- In the left upper part, what does it mean the cyan color?
- In the right part,  are the yellow lines local matches? Are there also lines for global loop closures?

Thank you
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Re: Loop closure always rejected

Dear Sir,

Can you please elaborate about the colors and notations in the figure above?
- In the left lower part of the figure, what does it mean a yellow/red/green color? what does it mean -1  in: Local match = 19 [-1] ?
- In the left upper part, what does it mean the cyan color?
- In the right part,  are the yellow lines local matches? Are there also lines for global loop closures?

Thank you !!
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Re: Loop closure always rejected


For he warning, you may increase RGBD/OptimizeMaxError (default 3) if you feel that it is rejecting too much good loop closures.

For the colors, you can mouse over the label over the images on left to see the legend:

For the link colors on graph view, right click and go in "Set link color...":
