Loop closure without depth information

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Loop closure without depth information

Hi Mathieu,

Is it possible to obtain loop closure using purely RGB inputs?

I am currently localizing my robot via lidar pointcloud. I have tried setting both the 'subscribe_depth' and 'subscribe_rgbd' params to false. While it seemed like rtabmap will still work, no loop closures could be detected. All old images stored in memories seem to have 0 features, as seen below.

Warm Regards,

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Re: Loop closure without depth information

Hi Derek,

Yes it is possible but not optimal. We can set Mem/StereoFromMotion to true so that 3D features can be computed. This assumes good oodmetry to work correctly. If you have a 3D lidar, other option is to generate depth image from lidar for RGB image. See example here: http://official-rtab-map-forum.206.s1.nabble.com/Multi-monocular-cameras-tp9383p9396.html
