Making a Slam using Rose 2 Jazzy and Gzsim

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Making a Slam using Rose 2 Jazzy and Gzsim


 I am using ROS 2 Jazzy and GzSim. My robot provides the following topics:  
-p frame_id:=base_footprint \
-p odom_topic:=/odometry/filtered \
-r rgb/image:=/rgb/image \
-r depth/image:=/depth/image \
-r rgb/camera_info:=/rgb/camera_info
I want to use these topics with RTAB-Map for SLAM. Additionally, I would like to include visual odometry in my filtering process. I am not sure how to set this up. How can I create the launch file?  
Also, in outdoor SLAM, should I use a LiDAR, or is a stereo camera sufficient?  

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Re: Making a Slam using Rose 2 Jazzy and Gzsim

You may browse demos here to see if you can find something similar to what you are doing.

If you start without visual odometry, you may look at this demo:

ysfkarakus1919 wrote
Also, in outdoor SLAM, should I use a LiDAR, or is a stereo camera sufficient?
Both alone or combined can be used outdoor, it would depend what kind of sensors you have and what kind of environment the robot will face.