Map does not detect free space

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Map does not detect free space

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Hi all,
I'm using rtabmap with ros2 humble with the Boston Dynamics Spot robot. I don't have any problem for the map obstacles creation, but it does not detect white cells, so the navigation is not working since for rtabmap there is not possible plan path. Do not pay attention to the errors because there are already solved. I wonder if it's some parameter value, but I can not find which one.

Thank you in advance you all

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Re: Map does not detect free space

It looks like the occupancy map is created from the lidar. To fill empty space, you need to enable "Grid/RayTracing: true". On less powerful computers, you can set "Grid/3D: false".

See also other Grid related parameters with:
rtabmap --params | grep Grid
In particular with ring-lidar like this, it could be just easier to threshold the floor with "Grid/NormalsSegmentation: false" and "Grid/MaxGroundHeight: 0.05".
