Jimmy Notron wrote
1-we developed code that get cloud_map data from rtabmap and do some process on it but we see that during passing time and moving in long base suddenly we lost some data on the map that we saw it in the first time (means the cloud_map dont publish some cloud anymore!) what should we do?
If you have Rtabmap/TimeThr != 0, memory management is enabled and some nodes in the graph won't be published to save time. To get the global map, you can pause and republish everything:
$ rosservice call /rtabmap/pause
$ rosservice call /rtabmap/publish_map 1 1 0
then cloud_map will be republished with all clouds. You can disable memory management with Rtabmap/TimeThr=0, but the map updates may not be online at some point. See
papers for more in-depth explanations.
Jimmy Notron wrote
2-how can I write my code for getting point cloud and stitching them for building my map?
i mean i know how can i generate and reading point cloud but how can i receive rotation and transformation matrix for multiply in point cloud matrix and adding to general point cloud matrix?
You can look at the
map_assembler node. It subscribes to mapData topic and can reconstruct the point cloud map. You can also export point clouds separately from rtabmapviz or by re-opening the database in rtabmap standalone. You can also export the poses of each point cloud. See "File->Export point clouds..." and "File->Exports poses...".
Jimmy Notron wrote
3-how can i remove some noisy point cloud from the map because i cant detect Hole in the room from top view cuz of existing this noise ?
"cant detect Hole in the room" not sure to understand. For noisy points, see "cloud_noise_filtering_radius" and "cloud_noise_filtering_min_neighbors" parameters for rtabmap node or map_assembler node.