Mapping and Navigation with D435i and robot

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Mapping and Navigation with D435i and robot


I am trying to use the opensource_tracking.launch file provided by the realsense-ros package together with launch files from this robot, which is built on the Turtlebot3. I launch a modified version of gmapping.launch (attached below) on the robot side, without the lidar and gmapping node. The camera and rtabmap are run on a laptop, which is using ROS Kinetic.

While I can see the robot and maps in rviz, I cannot use the 2D Nav Goal tool to move the robot or view any costmaps in rviz. I have also tried to follow the solutions to some other questions and add in use_goal_for_action:=true, as I would like to be able to communicate with the action server. However, when use_goal_for_action is added in as a parameter to the opensource_tracking.launch file, it tells me that the parameter does not exist (and it does not, when I check rosparam list).

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Re: Mapping and Navigation with D435i and robot

Hi, do you know if there is a gazebo example with this robot?

To use the 2D Nav Goal button, make sure the button is published on the right move_base goal topic (default is /move_base_simple/goal).

You can try the simulated turtlebot demo here:

then try to compare the differences with what you have. Note that gmapping is not needed if you use rtabmap. Normally you should choose gmapping or rtabmap, as they don't work together.