I am trying to use the
opensource_tracking.launch file provided by the realsense-ros package together with launch files from
this robot, which is built on the Turtlebot3. I launch a modified version of gmapping.launch (attached below) on the robot side, without the lidar and gmapping node. The camera and rtabmap are run on a laptop, which is using ROS Kinetic.
While I can see the robot and maps in rviz, I cannot use the 2D Nav Goal tool to move the robot or view any costmaps in rviz. I have also tried to follow the solutions to some other questions and add in use_goal_for_action:=true, as I would like to be able to communicate with the action server. However, when use_goal_for_action is added in as a parameter to the opensource_tracking.launch file, it tells me that the parameter does not exist (and it does not, when I check rosparam list).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.