Mapping with Intel Realsense d435i

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Mapping with Intel Realsense d435i

I am trying to map an indoor area with Realsense d435i. This is the result of it:
- This the result with the map displayed and the green arrows are the odometry from rgbd_odometry:

- This has just the odometry:

-This is the odometry from the side (to show that it is also moving along the z axis when in reality it shouldn't):

-This is the ground truth of odometry:

The bot starts moving from the bottom left of the images.

My parameters are in this file: params.yaml

The problems I am facing (as it can be verified from the above images) are:
- The odometry output is good in some straight line and isn't in others
- The odometry is faulty during turns
- The odometry goes haywire after Loop Closure.

Is there any tuning you can suggest to make it work better?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Mapping with Intel Realsense d435i

If the camera is fixed on the robot and the robot is moving in 2D, you could try setting Reg/Force3DoF=true. Note that there is a recent fix in rtabmap library so that Reg/Force3DoF properly works with odometry.