Mapping with YDLidar X4 and ICP-Odometry

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Mapping with YDLidar X4 and ICP-Odometry


i hope you can help me. I want to use RTAB-Map with fake Odometry to map my appartment. Our group is working on a task in school, where we are about to build a Robot. The Odometry isnt finished, yet. So i want to test my Lidar without odometry to map a room.
Currently iam running Ubuntu 20.04 with Noetic and Gmapping. I managed to generate a picture of my room and visualize it in Rviz..
But now iam completly stuck..

sorry for my bad english, hope you can help me..

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Re: Mapping with YDLidar X4 and ICP-Odometry


See this example:

You can set this in rtabmap node:
<param name="subscribe_depth" type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="subscribe_rgb"  type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="subscribe_rgbd"  type="bool" value="false"/>
if you don't have a camera.

Well, depending on what you need, using hector slam could be used alone for your application.

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Re: Mapping with YDLidar X4 and ICP-Odometry

Thanks a lot ! I will give this a try this afternoon.
Yes i was trying to compile and install Hector Slam from source in my Catkin workspace but it allways stops at 87% and i cant figure out why.. thats why i was trying to map with gmapping..
