It is possible to merge scans in same database using:
rtabmap-reprocess "map1.db;map2.db" output.db
Note however that if there is no overlap between the maps, only the latest one will appear when opening output.db. With rtabmap-databaseViewer under GraphView, we can change the "Root ID" to optimize the map from a particular sub-map in the database so you can export one or the other maps. If there was an overlap between the 2 scans but the automatic merging missed it, re-open "output.db" in rtabmap-databaseViewer, open Constraints View, then browse the 2 main sliders to images from different sessions that should overlap and try "Add constraint" button. If there is an error about too low inliers, you may try to tune the parameters under Core Parameters -> Vis panel. At worst, we have the option to manually add the constraint.