Mezzanine Mapping,Aisle get merged

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Mezzanine Mapping,Aisle get merged

Hi ,

I am currently trying do rtabmap with wheel odometry in mezzanine area. The issue I face is during the loop closure the aisles get merged into one. Not sure which parameter need to be tuned. Kindly suggest me if there is any different approach I can use. Thanks in advance.

Before Loop ClousreAfter Loop Closure
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Re: Mezzanine Mapping,Aisle get merged


you can decrease the local radius ("RGBD/LocalRadius") to 2 meters for example, to avoid loop closures with the other aisle.

For ICP, you could also decrease the correspondence distance "Icp/MaxCorrespondenceDistance" or increase "Icp/CorrespondenceRatio" to make sure you have a good overlap between scans to accept the loop closure.
