Mismatch between rtabmap versions on local and remote host

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Mismatch between rtabmap versions on local and remote host

Hello Mathieu ,

I have build from source the Rtabmap version 0.20.5 on my host pc and I have left the ROS packages 0.20.0 on the companion pc on the robot ( Jetson Nano ) .
Running rviz on the host pc I find a mismatch error from Rtabmap , maybe becuase rviz load the plugins of Rtabmap 0.20.5.

[ERROR] [1602848712.141467374]: Client [/rviz_1602848681010380420] wants topic /rtabmap/mapData to have datatype/md5sum [rtabmap_ros/MapData/c08cdd9bd760e475724e80eaeb71af47], but our version has [rtabmap_ros/MapData/f36b87edafed09efe6ce296428b3f410]. Dropping connection.

I tried to remove the build directories of Rtabmap and Rtabmap-ros ,and reinstall the same pkg on the 2 pc, but the error persists.
Could you advice to find a configuration ( rtabmap/rtabmap_ros from source on the host pc and rrtabmap/rtabmap_ros binaries on the Jetson companion  )  without the need to build the code also on Jetson Nano ?
Thanks ,
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Re: Mismatch between rtabmap versions on local and remote host


I just found the dir ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib on the local pc and deleting it I temporary resolve my issue.
But the question of how to make coexist binaries and sources on the local pc with binaries on the remote is still valid :-)
Please Mathieu, advice about the versions .
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Re: Mismatch between rtabmap versions on local and remote host

If you don't source your setup.bash in your catkin_ws, the binary version will be used. If your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH has only /opt/ros/melodic/share, then rtabmap melodic binaries will start.
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Re: Mismatch between rtabmap versions on local and remote host

Thank you Mathieu ! I solved the issue but I would have the features of the versions over the 0.20 so I will try to install from source also on the Jetson nano.