Modify the 2D map

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Modify the 2D map

After reconstructing the scene, we can get a 2D map. If I have a specific point in 3D space and I know its 3D coordinate, how can I compute its 2D coordinate in the 2D map? For example, I want to save the 2D coordinate of the specific point so that I can control the robot to move to the point later.
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Re: Modify the 2D map


It depends if the 3D coordinate is in the same coordinate frame (e.g., /map) than the 2D map. If so, you only need to keep (x, y, 0, 0, 0, yaw) and you have the 2d pose.

If you want to translate a cell to a 2D pose in /map frame, look at MapMetaData in the OccupancyGrid msg. You can get the resolution of the map and its orientation/offset with origin field.
