Much drift when stop and resume rtabmap

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Much drift when stop and resume rtabmap

Hi all,

I'm doing a VLP project using project tango (I's old...but that's what the university asked...) and rtamap. The experiment process is basicly walking around to generate the map, and stop tango as well as rtabmap, take a picture to do the VLP algorithm, and then turn on tango again. When taking the picture, the phone remains still. What I assume is that rtabmap should remain unchanged or at least recognize where the phone is. But I had much drift or shift when resuming the rtabmap causing the result not usable at all.

Is there a way that can solve the problem? Make the rtabmap not moved when resuming?

Any hints will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advanced!
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Re: Much drift when stop and resume rtabmap


Are you using RTAB-Map App on Play Store? or streaming tango data to rtabmap_ros?

When you stop tango, it may restart its odometry when restarting. If you are using RTAB-Map App, make sure Settings->Mapping->Append Mode is enabled so that rtabmap localize before continuing the map.

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Re: Much drift when stop and resume rtabmap

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for your response.

We used tango ros streamer to stream to rtabmap_ros. We managed to solve the problem without knowing why. We change rtabmap to localization mode before restart tango. But thank you for your explianation!

Best regards,