Navigation with rgbd camera only

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Navigation with rgbd camera only

Hi, I want to navigate with rgbd camera only by using rtabmap. To be specific, I want to use realsense d435 to do this. What should I do? I can not find any materials about this topic. Hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot!
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Re: Navigation with rgbd camera only

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Re: Navigation with rgbd camera only

Hi, Thank you for your reply. Many Thanks.

I want to use pure rgbd camera to navigate. Is it ok?

I want to use visual odometry to navigate and find that the rgbd_odometry node is very slow. The publishing rate of visual odom is only around 5 HZ. The move_base node shows some warnings and the navigation can not work. How can I solve this problem? Is it possible to increase the publishing rate of odom? The speed is too slow, will it affect the navigation performance?

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Re: Navigation with rgbd camera only

What kind of computer are you using?

To increase VO speed with a faster estimation approach (though not as accurate), see