Newbie looking for some insight

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Newbie looking for some insight

Hi everybody,

I am planning on scanning some feet in order to have a better understanding on the way people are standing and the overal sizes of their feet. This lead me to RATB-mapping. But I really don't have any real understanding of the subject. RATB-Map sounded like the best option for my purposes due to the possibility to calculate the size of the different parts of the body and to have get the information about the topography of the foot.
First, I was wondering if anybody would be nice enough to share some resources in order for me to be able to start understanding the subject ? And what ressources where the most useful for you ?
Secondly, what type of cameras or sensors would you recommend ? (I don't have an unlimited budget, so it would mostly be about the cheaper cameras available)

Thanks in advance, I am looking forward for your answers,
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Re: Newbie looking for some insight

Hi Max,

RTAB-Map is tuned by default to scan environments, not small objects. It could be possible to tune it for body scanning. As you only need the foot, do you need to scan around or just a 3D picture (from one or two point of view without assembling them) would be enough? For 3D accuracy, I would go for a TOF camera, like realsense L515. What are the accuracy you need?
