OAK-D Pro integration status with rtabmap

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OAK-D Pro integration status with rtabmap


I am working on a project to create a mobile robot. We are evaluating the suitability of using the OAK-D Pro camera for SLAM using Rtabmap.

I have some experience using realsense D435 and the Orbbec Astra Pro, and I would like to know the status of this camera, and if it integrates as well as these cameras with rtabmap.

Our idea is to use wheel odometry, a laser sensor for the occupancy grid, and OAK-D Pro for the 3D point cloud and appearance loop closure detection.

We have good quality wheel odometry, and for the occupancy grid we are going to use lidar.

Thank you

Manuel Huertas.
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Re: OAK-D Pro integration status with rtabmap

If you have experience with D435, I would expect similar performance from OAK-D Pro. For integration with rtabmap, it is just a case of remapping the right topics.
