Once a map has been generated, is it possible to continue optimiznig it offline?

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Once a map has been generated, is it possible to continue optimiznig it offline?

Suppose I generate an initial map in rtabmap and then terminate the node, is it possible to run an optimizer over the map and then relaunch rtabmap to navigate within it? If so, how could I go about implementing this?
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Re: Once a map has been generated, is it possible to continue optimiznig it offline?

Hi, what kind of optimizer do you refer? You can change the Optimizer/Strategy parameter to choose between TORO, g2o and GTSAM optimization approaches. You can also change their parameters, see "rtabmap --params | grep g2o" for example. To use another graph optimizer, it would be more complicated.

rtabmap can be relaunched in localization mode. See section 3.1 on this page: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/HandHeldMapping#Advanced
