Open Can i use rtabmap wihout external light

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Open Can i use rtabmap wihout external light


i want to digitalize an indoor environment. I'm talking about old beer cellars where no additional light is possible, so it is completely dark there and no additional light (except the flashlight from the phone or an additional hardware flashlight) is possible, so i'm there in a completely dark environment. I also don't want to buy additional (expensive) hardware, idealy it would work with just a simple phone without distance sensor, just with camera, or maybe an laptop with an Kinect or an USB webcam. I want to scan it from phone/laptop, but can not do wheel distance measurement by a robot.

What can i do? Would rtabmap work with just a old kinect from ebay and just the light of a flashlight? What hardware would i have to buy? Would it be possible to archive with simple hardware from raspi/arduino? Which RasPi-Revision would i have to use?

Thank you.

Thank you.
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Re: Open Can i use rtabmap wihout external light
