Outdoor navigation with jetson nano and waveshares imx219-83 stereo camera

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Outdoor navigation with jetson nano and waveshares imx219-83 stereo camera

I have an outdoor robot. I use a jetson nano as hardware. I would now like to do outdoor navigation with a waveshares IMX219-83 stereo camera. Does this work at all with the jetson nano and a stereo camera or do I need other hardware? The goal is to create a 3d map and then navigate there.
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Re: Outdoor navigation with jetson nano and waveshares imx219-83 stereo camera

By using all jetson optimizations, it "could" work, though maybe not super fast. Would recommend to use the VIO part of https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam as input odometry to rtabmap.
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Re: Outdoor navigation with jetson nano and waveshares imx219-83 stereo camera

Thanks for your quick reply!

I have a Jetson Nano B01. It seems that ROS Isaac does not run on it.

I currently have ROS Melodic running. Is it an option to stream the RGB data from the camera over the network to the remote PC and run rtabmap or another vslam algorithm there? I have a PC with a Ryzen 9 5950X, 128GB Ram and an NVIDIA 2080ti. Or is that not possible because of the latency and bandwidth?
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Re: Outdoor navigation with jetson nano and waveshares imx219-83 stereo camera


If you subscribe to compressed topics from remote computer, that could work. Some numbers here: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/RemoteMapping