Point Cloud to PCD

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Point Cloud to PCD

I can obtain pcd files from RTABMAPVIZ. There is an option as below. When I export 3D map, when the box is checked all the point clouds are asssembled into one pcd file. When I unchecked the box I can obtain pcd files per frame separately. That is actually what I want. I need point clouds separately in current scene. But I want to do this by the following command
rosrun pcl_ros  pointcloud_to_pcd


When I run that command point cloud are saved as pcd file. The problem is that when I save point cloud by this command, all point clouds are saved into one pcd file. Although there are many pcd files each pcd file added to another so the last pcd file includes all the point cloud information. But what I need is that they should include different point cloud as it is done in RTABMABVIZ (the box is unchecked). How can I obtain the each pcd file which includes only current scene (previous are not included).

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Re: Point Cloud to PCD


It depends, if you want the actual clouds in the map, or just saving camera output as PCD. For the second approach, you may use a point_cloud_xyzrgb nodelet and save the output coud directly.

For the first approach, it is not possible with ROS services.
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Re: Point Cloud to PCD

We need to use RTABMAP because points cloud are generated globally. In addition that there are some other useful topics in RTABMAP. As seen in figure below point clouds are added to each other and file sizes getting much bigger. We need to process these clouds seperately. Is there any possible way that forget the previous clouds when saving current pcd file.  When we set the IncrementalMemory argument to false  Mem/IncrementalMemory it never saves point cloud. Is there any way that RTABMAP keeps point clouds only 1 second then for the next point cloud, forget the previous one. If you can give a solution with RTABMAP, you are going to save my life :)

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Re: Point Cloud to PCD

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In reply to this post by matlabbe
Hi, I have come accross the same problem and I have found a way of doing it. There is a parameter which is
<param name="GridGlobal/MaxNodes"           type="int" value="1"/>
If you set this to 0, that means that maximum nodes assembled in the map is unlimited. So you may set it according to what you need. For example, if you set it to 1, that is the maximum number of nodes assembled in the map. In that way, you may obtain pcd files as you desire. But, I don't understand what you mean by saying global map. If you follow the instructions that I told you, I am not sure you obtain global map. I don't have any idea about that. I also don't know how useful and practical what I told you. I think Dear Mathieu may give more clarity about that. Thanks.