Pointcloud dispersed as Kinect 1 facing reflective cabinet

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Pointcloud dispersed as Kinect 1 facing reflective cabinet

Hi everyone,
I find that some dispersed points come out when Kinect 1 face the reflective cabinet. How can I avoid this problem? Is it related with the illumination and the factors related with light, as the Kinect 1 using the structure light as the depth measurement?
The disperse pointcloud is marked as below.

Here's the cabinet.

Thank you for your advice!
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Re: Pointcloud dispersed as Kinect 1 facing reflective cabinet

If my understanding of how the kinect works is correct it does use structured IR light. IR light doesn't like reflective materials (water, glossy surfaces, mirrors, etc), sunlight (lots of stray IR) or the color black. Best best is to just delete those stray points in post processing (I use meshlab). Overall, I'd say it depends what you're trying to do with the data... Maybe make the surface non-reflective if you really need it, tape some pieces of paper over the glossy bits.