Print Position and orientation data (on rtabmap- without ROS)

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Print Position and orientation data (on rtabmap- without ROS)

Vikaash Balaji
Hi ,
I have been trying to get the position and orienatation data from rtabmap for VR application (head tracking). I get the rtabmap GUI with the map on the right side. How do get the pose_x, pose_y, pose_z , and roll, pitch, yaw ?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Print Position and orientation data (on rtabmap- without ROS)


From the MainWindow, the pose refreshed in 3D View is received under processOdometry callback here. To get that pose in map frame, we need to apply the odometry correction to it, like here. "_odometryCorrection" is updated on loop closure detection.

Other option is to use rtabmap_ros, and you could get the latest pose using TF.