Sorry for the question; I'm not an expert.
I have two ELP single cameras; I wrote a note to obtain a stereoscopic camera publishing relative topics.
I calibrated them following
After calibration, I execute stereo_image_proc to produce disparity image and point cloud.
I obtained a good disparity image but I have problem with point cloud.
Using cameras in RTAB-Map, I obtain the same distorted cloud I obtained in RViz; I execute RTAB-Map with launch file I obtained following 2.7 Stereo B in
http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/SetupOnYourRobot, adapting it to my necessity, but I have, for example, this error:
"A large number (973/1000) of stereo correspondences are rejected! Optical flow may have failed because images are not calibrated, the background is too far (no disparity between the images), maximum disparity may be too small (128.000000) or that exposure between left and right images is too different.
[ WARN] (2018-04-24 18:34:53.579) OdometryF2M.cpp:472::computeTransform() Registration failed: "Not enough inliers 0/5 (matches=0) between -1 and 500"
Have you any suggestion to solve problems?
If you need more info, I'm here.
Thanks a lot.