RGB map from rgb and stereo images input

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RGB map from rgb and stereo images input


I have been attempting to configure RTABmap using ROS2 and an RGB-D camera. The depth map output from the camera is pretty poor so I have resorted to using the stereo image outputs and allowing rtabmap to create its own depth image which is magnitudes better than the camera.

My problem is that when I have rtabmap subscribe to both the stereo left and right topics, aswell as the rgb image I only am able to get a greyscale map output as if the RGB image is not being used.

Should it be possible to create an RGB depth map using stereo image and rgb image inputs to rtabmap-ros2?

I really appreciate any info pointing me in the right direction!
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Re: RGB map from rgb and stereo images input


If your stereo camera is RGB, you can pass the left frame as color to rtabmap and the resulting point cloud will contain color. Otherwise, you can generate the disparity using stereo_image_proc package (it is using same disparity algorithm that rtabmap uses for stereo). I think it also generates a depth image and a point cloud directly too. However, you cannot just feed to rtabmap that depth image and the RGB image taken from a different camera. You need to register the depth image to the RGB camera. To do so, you can feed the point cloud to rtabmap_ros/pointcloud_to_depthimage node (see ros1 doc here, which matches ros2 implementation). You will then get a depth image registered to your RGB camera, then feed them to rtabmap.

However, if you don't really care about the color, I would stick to stereo pair images directly! For example, if you have a D435 camera, I don't recommend to use the color camera, as it doesn't have a global shutter (images are very blurry!) and FOV is smaller than the IR stereo cameras... in other words, visual odometry is a lot worse with RGB camera than using the stereo IR cameras. Note also that the external RGB camera may not be hardware time synchronized with stereo camera, adding more problems.
