RGBD Slam and Robot Navigation with Kinect v2 sensor

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RGBD Slam and Robot Navigation with Kinect v2 sensor

I'm currently working on a project that requires ROS but I'm quite new to it, so any guidance would be highly appreciated.
Basically, we have a wheeled bot on which we've mounted a Kinect v2 Sensor. We're attempting to make something similar to a Roomba. So we are using RTABMAP for Mapping.

So we have obtained the 2D Occupancy Grid. But How do we integrate it with Navigation Stack? Like how do we interact with the map? How do we give it a goal position for the bot to move towards and how to do it autonomously? Also we are using dynamixel motors in wheel mode for the bot.  

The tutorials seemed quite vague to us, so we couldn't understand much.

Sorry for so many questions. Thanks in advance.
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Re: RGBD Slam and Robot Navigation with Kinect v2 sensor


As your setup is similar to turtlebot, you may look at this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/MappingAndNavigationOnTurtlebot .

To understand the navigation part, see this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup (note that you don't need the map_server if you are using rtabmap, rtabmap already sends the 2D occupancy grid).

For more navigation/ROS related questions, you may ask them on ROS answer.
