rtabmap_ros package may need to be refactored (creating a rtabmap_ros2 package?):
https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki/Migration-GuideCurrently at our lab our robots are using ros Kinetic, but as it seems that many rtabmap dependencies are already released in ROS2 (for a list:
https://github.com/ros2/rosdistro/blob/ros2/ardent/distribution.yaml). However, the supported packages for launching cameras like freenect_launch or openni_launch (those on this
page) don't seem to be released. Just saw there is a ros2 package for the realsense:
https://github.com/intel/ros2_intel_realsense, but they use their own image images. Rtabmap relies on image_transport
not released) and message_filters (
still under development). As message_filters used used intensively in rtabmap_ros (for exact and approximate synchronization), we may wait until there is an official release.