RTAB MAP Tutorial Needed

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RTAB MAP Tutorial Needed

I am ROS2 Humble User.

I want to use the various features of RTAB-Map, but I don’t fully understand what features are available. I have looked at the RTAB-Map Wiki, but I want to study all the features of RTAB-Map in detail. Is there a site I can refer to? I’ve reviewed the RTAB-Map Wiki, but there are still many questions, such as the difference between Loop Closing (green and yellow indicators), and how to create various types of maps.
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Re: RTAB MAP Tutorial Needed



For an overview of the ros package, you can read this paper "RTAB-Map as an Open-Source Lidar and Visual SLAM Library for Large-Scale and Long-Term Online Operation".

For examples of usage under ROS2, the best starting point is the demos, in particular the "Indoor 2D LiDAR and RGB-D SLAM" and the "Turtlebot3" ones:

then the examples if you have already some sensors to test with:

For documentation about the ROS nodes, see http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros (it is ROS1 documentation, but we use same parameters/services for ROS2)
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Re: RTAB MAP Tutorial Needed

Thank you for your help.