RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble

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RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble

Hi everyone!

Sorry for my bad english, but I have a some trouble with RTAB-Map and Kinect Studio for Windows. I have some records from Kinect2 in Kinect Studio format (*.xef) and I can playback its... But RTAB-Map have an inactive "Kinect for Windows SDK v2" menu item. Examples in SDK folder and my own test programs is succesfully playing streams from Kinect Studio, but not a RTAB-Map.

How fix this problem?

And 1/2 offtopic.

Can RTAB saving RAW data from any depth sensor, not an Kinect only ?
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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble


You may give a try with the 0.17.5 version, which includes Kinect2 SDK support. The version 0.18.0 on Windows supports only Freenect2 driver (see release note to install usbdk). xef file cannot be used as input to rtabmap, only the live stream of the kinect.

RTAB-Map can process depth data from any depth sensor.

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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble


matlabbe wrote
xef file cannot be used as input to rtabmap, only the live stream of the kinect.
I know it, and I start replaying record, but RTAB after a few secont showing alert "The camera has reached hte end of stream". No one frame was not captured. It this posible?

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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble

Just tried 0.17.5 on Windows 10 with Detection-> Select source->Kinect v2 -> Kinect for Windows SDK2, plugged my kinect v2 in USB, then clicked on start:

When you say "I start replaying record", how do you do this? I am not used to Kinect SDK tools, point me out how I can reproduce the steps you've done.

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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble

For recording all raw data from Kinect2 sensor, I use Microsoft Kinect Studio (2.0.1410.19000). You can find it in installed SDK folder. K.Studio can record and playback early stored data for developing and debuging your software without Kinect or if you can't use Kinect right now for any reasons.

If you use MS Kinect SDK (not an OpenKinect/libfreenect2 or other opensource libs), you can get playback data from Studio like as you used Kinect without any problems. But this method not working with RTab. Or I do something wrong.

Hm... I think - you understand me? 8)
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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble


Thx for the info. I tried Microsoft Kinect Studio 2.0. THe problem I see is when we hit playback, where are the data streamed? Is it on a port? Afterwards, I am not sure how to pass the address/port to C++ Kinect API. Currently we cannot select which kinect we are using, it just takes the default one with GetDefaultKinectSensor function. Do you know if there is a function in SDK to get the kinect sensor from a stream, like GetKinectSensorStream("") ?

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Re: RTAB-Map + Kinect Studio = Trouble


Kinect 2 (I don't know, how about it on first version) use Kinect Windows service and all data exchange goint through them. As I know, SDK haven't method for capturing stream like 'ip:port'. All example codes using KinectSensor.GetDefault():

sensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault();

kinectIRView = new KinectIRView(sensor);
kinectDepthView = new KinectDepthView(sensor);


sensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault();

colorFrameDescription = sensor.ColorFrameSource.CreateFrameDescription(ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
depthFrameDescription = sensor.DepthFrameSource.FrameDescription;

This is C# fragments of code.