RTAB-Map makes full load CPU on Nvidia Jetson Nano

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RTAB-Map makes full load CPU on Nvidia Jetson Nano

Dear Mr.Labbe and everyone,

I'm using RTAB-Map on Jetson Nano. My Nano is on full loading CPU when I use RTAB-Map for mapping so it gave me very low FPS and lagging. I try to figure this issue then I have read about Mr.Labbe's documentation RTAB-Map Appearance-based Loop closure detection. He mentioned about some parameters in RTAB-Map library, specially "Rtabmap/TimeThr" and "Rtabmap/MemoryThr". These 2 parameters are set to 0 by default. These thing cause Working Memory in RTAB-Map getting bigger and processing time is too long, so I think my Nano's problem might be in here. I'm thinking about config these parameters hoping it could fix my issue.
So anybody has any idea about this please give me some advice. Which value is ideal for these 2 parameters for my Jetson Nano?
Many thanks with respect!

Warmest regards,
RTAB-Map parameters