RTAB-Map using with EKF and map resolution issues

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RTAB-Map using with EKF and map resolution issues

Hi Mathieu,

I am using RTAB-Map with Nav2, and I’m encountering a few issues during testing. Specifically, I’m experiencing map jittering while using RTAB for localization. I found a post suggesting that I can fuse the RTAB localization pose with the wheel odometry and IMU data using the robot_localization node to improve the situation.

I followed the instructions to set 'publish_tf' to false, but I still see RTAB-Map publishing the /map topic. My question is: how can I completely stop RTAB-Map from publishing the /map topic? Also, the /map topic is of type nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid; is that the contant same as from the topic /grid_prob_map?

Additionally, I would like to enhance the navigation results by using a higher resolution map. However, when I set 'Grid/CellSize' lower than 0.05, RTAB-Map crashes. Is there any way to reduce the CellSize below 0.05?

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Re: RTAB-Map using with EKF and map resolution issues

Geert Folkertsma
The /map topic publishes the map, not the tf. As you say, it is an occupancy grid, but not a transform. Do you think you have issues in the ekf (robot_localization) filtering the odometry and rtabmap's pose info because of this /map topic?
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Re: RTAB-Map using with EKF and map resolution issues

As Geert said, publish_tf=false won't disable the publishing of the map topic, just map->odom TF. That topic is always advertised, you can remap it to another name if you want to use /map for a topic published by another node (e..g, map_server). /map is not generated if nobody is subscribed on it.

/grid_prob_map is similar to /map, but occupancy probabilities are not thresholded.

Additionally, I would like to enhance the navigation results by using a higher resolution map. However, when I set 'Grid/CellSize' lower than 0.05, RTAB-Map crashes. Is there any way to reduce the CellSize below 0.05?
This sounds like a bug, how small did you set the cells?