RTAB-Map withou ROS

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RTAB-Map withou ROS

is it possible to use RTAB-Map in C++ project witohout ROS?
I would like to get online point cloud, trajectory and last images form camera or point cloud only from last images.
Is it possible?
There are librtabmap_core.so, librtabmap_gui.so and librtabmap_utilite.so and source codes for everything, but I havent found any documentation. Is anybody actually using it this way?

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Re: RTAB-Map withou ROS

Have you tried the rtabmap standalone app?

Assuming you're on ubuntu, here are the install steps:

I also have the osx binary on my mac, it works great:

If you want to compile software for other cameras then you have to compile the software yourself. For example I have an intel realsense r200 that I use for a project so I had to download and compile librealsense then rtabmap. Then I saw a new camera in the camera menu in the rtabmap application.
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Re: RTAB-Map withou ROS

I have the app and I'm using it for testing (built from source, with Kinect2), but I need online output - and it isn't supported as far as I know. You can only export finished point cloud.

I want to build robot without ROS - so I need SLAM and rtab standalone app looks promising, but I need online output from it.
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Re: RTAB-Map withou ROS

Ah, I see your dilemma. Why are you wanting to run without ros?
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Re: RTAB-Map withou ROS


To have online outputs, it would require to define a TCP/IP protocol (e.g., subscribing to a port and receiving binary stream). There is no plan to integrate such outputs to standalone as it is exactly what ROS already does. However, there are some basic C++ examples using the library for mapping (with and without events-based communication). For example, you could assemble the point cloud in MapBuilder::processStatistics() to a global point cloud kept in cache in MapBuilder class. You could then use web sockets to publish the map over TCP/IP in your defined format. Note that you can also use all PCL functions to filter the resulting point cloud before publishing it.

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Re: RTAB-Map withou ROS

matlabbe > Thanks, I missed this part of Wiki.

jacksonkr > It was't my decision and I don't have any experience with ROS so I can't tell you more.