RTAB-map Drone Example

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RTAB-map Drone Example


I am testing this example and I would like to update the PX4 version.  Is it possible? Are there any files I need to reconfigure that you could point out?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards!
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Re: RTAB-map Drone Example


It is probably possible, but I don't know how much changed and must be updated. Here is an example of what we did to update to v1.12.3: https://github.com/matlabbe/rtabmap_drone_example/commit/f13b40dcea986dce2f725ceebc3316ec00cfa664#diff-42dbc74deb621fb8378c62ccbdf15624059f987d5982477a4f82ad75ae348066

The main changes I think related to px4 were the files 1099_iris_rtabmap and rcS. Note however that in that commit, the changes were mainly coming from a copy paste from the latest corresponding files on px4 repo.

Another way to migrate is to first launch the basic iris example from px4 repo, then update the changes related to vslam.
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Re: RTAB-map Drone Example


Ok thank you!

And regarding the airframe, i want to change the iris to the x500, that i see in the px4 repository. There are some particular things to do or set some particular parameter in the airframe?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,