RTAB map with ZED2

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RTAB map with ZED2

Hello, good day. We are getting ready to compete in a technology festival. We are trying to develop an autonomous vehicle. We use ROS melodic and zed 2. We use RTAB map as SLAM algorithm. We are able to extract the map, but we are having problems with navigation. When we give a 2D nav goal target, we do not draw the path and we cannot obtain information such as angle value etc. from the topics. Do you have any ideas on this subject? I will be glad if you help me.
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Re: RTAB map with ZED2



It seems more a move_base configuration issue than rtabmap. I'll suggest to try this standalone gazebo example and see what is going on. Use rqt_graph and look at turtlebot3 move_base configuration. For local costmap, they use the turtlebot lidar scan, but you could simulate a laser scan from your Zed's depth image using depthimage_to_laserscan node.
