RTABMAP find_object_2d SURF SIFT issue

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RTABMAP find_object_2d SURF SIFT issue

Hey, I am trying to use find_object_2d with RTABMAP and it works fine, except that I cannot use the SURF or SIFT algorithms under the feature2D tab in the Find-Object UI. I built OpenCV from source, and cloned the opencv_contrib module folder. Why are SURF and SIFT not showing up and how could i get them to show up? Thanks.

also, when i run sudo apt-cache search opencv, one of the lines printed are:

libopencv-nonfree2.4 - computer vision contrib library
libopencv-nonfree-dev - development files for libopencv-nonfree

Which means I also have the nonfree module. Why is find_object_2d not syncing with any of these so that I can use SURF/SIFT? Thanks.


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Re: RTABMAP find_object_2d SURF SIFT issue
